Diner en Blanc - Melbourne 2015 @ Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday 7th March

Dîner en Blanc is a Parisian phenomenon which started 24 years ago. Essentially a mass picnic in a secret, prestigious, city site, Dîner en Blanc is made spectacular by the dress code of pure white elegance. There's three staggered stages to getting tickets, only at the third the public can buy tickets. During stage one I was invited by le beau's mother, stage two I was invited by Emma.

Hair Inspiration

Outfit Inspiration

We didn't go as I didn't have anything to wear (le beau says if life were a movie this is where my wardrobe doors burst open revealing a hoarder collector) and wasn't/am not keen on going shopping in real life. I was invited by le beau's mother, who was happy to organize everything including catering at no cost. I passed though as I do not want to owe her. Nor do we think out dressing/challenging her is a good idea. I was looking forwards to seeing her that night, as she was going to be dressed as Marie Antoinette, hair, make-up and all, but she didn't end up making it, and neither did le beau.

Personally I probably wouldn't go because it's a very social event and I'm not very social, I'm also a freeloader when it comes to moving stuff/setting-up due to a disability so I feel bad about being the damsel in distress while le beau & Adrian do everything. 

To go you'd need to source the table/seats, plates & co (I have one white plate, not a set of white stuff) and no wine glasses as I don't drink. Need to buy an outfit, that lets be honest, I'm unlikely to wear again, as white is not my colour. I prefer to dress in black, the colour of my soul. :P Shoes, not going to happen. I'm out. 

However I will enjoy sourcing everything including the food and designing menus. The expected cost of everything (furniture/food/deco) would be $200 max. Add the cost of the event and outfit on top. Therefore I conclude that this event is not feasible to me. It's more of the idea that sounds nice. 

As you might have guessed that was today's adventure! We didn't participate or take our own pictures, and so have gathered some pictures to share.

Yoga Ball Sized Balloon

Someone proposed and everyone ran over to scream/take pictures. 
That is one way not to propose to an introvert :P. She said yes.

Not from the event, but I love these pictures.

Not from the event, but it fits in.

This is amazing!

Much like this level of deco.

People came in groups and some did some amazing styling, bought chopping boards as platters, made a tower of profiteroles, bought candles and all sorts of stuff. It was pretty cool, and a crazy amount of effort. Imagine buying an outfit for an event. :P That's why I was hesitant to go.

If you didn't want to BYO you could pre-order hampers for $75.

Can't find any pictures of the whole thing, but here's part of it.

Yes I do see myself sketching the plan - if I could draw :P

Deco Ideas

Set by the waterfront on the lawn outside the convention center near crown, with fairy lights, that was the secret location. After diner there was sparklers (are they safe? O.o) and dancing.

I have yet to find any non-media blog posts who aren't posting merely to promote the event so these will have to do. I'm more interested in all the process that occurred before than just rocking up and not having to bring anything. Post 1 & Post 2.

Did you go to Diner en Blanc? 

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